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Monday, November 21, 2011

The Puppet Masters by Robert Heinlein

This is my first review of a Heinlein book, one of my top tier Sci-Fi authors and one of the best of all time. I have artwork that honors him in the living room, a portion of my library dedicated to him, and revert all political and sci-fi nerd conversations back to him.
Robert Anson Heinlein was a hard-headed Libertarian, and knew much about how society and government worked in his time and held very controversial opinions about it all. For the most part, he felt people could govern themselves just fine, necessitating certain liberties, and that love, freedom and science flourish in a society in which people are given the opportunity to make informed decisions on their own and don’t have too many personal liberties infringed upon.  He was always within reason though, clearly laying down the need for a stable government and why a system such as ours is a successful one, and why authoritarian dictatorships and communist regimes don’t have the strength to rule successfully for very long.
Puppet Masters is an interesting book that highlights many of these views and others, and from what I’ve read thus far of the man, probably his best effort at conveying his ideals whilst still being a very enjoyable sci-fi thriller. It has the furious pace and light-reading-style similar to a Crichton novel, but don’t forget this was written in 1951 and relates to the fear tactics of our Cold War counterparts.
A UFO crash lands in Iowa, and a special branch of the government similar to what many kids from our generation might compare to the Men in Black are dispatched to check it out. Their findings: Nothing. There was no crash and everything is a hoax, “thanks for coming though and check out this tourist trap of a  man-made saucer,” the strange Iowans all say.
Only problem is that it really couldn’t have been a hoax, not with what this group knows. Also, a member of the unit is a super attractive and stacked brunette (in typical Heinlein fashion) who can tell when men “aren’t right” because they don’t treat her as men normally would. So she surmises they may be possessed.
Turns out, she’s right. The alien creatures attach themselves to your spine and use you, still knowing what you know and speaking as you speak, the use your manpower and human nature to gather up a fierce fighting force.
Only the agency knows the truth, which is so out there that the President has trouble buying into it. But when he does, declaring a state of emergency takes, as you may be able to guess, an Act of Congress. This leads to Heinlein wonderfully relaying the problems with bureaucracy, lobbyists and special needs groups with strict (in this case conservative) agendas. It takes brute force to use common sense but once everyone’s on board with beating the aliens, they run into another problem.
So many aliens are in control of such large areas, breaking through how they run the media is next to impossible. Small tricks with the camera and what gets displayed on TV in these regions is easy to control, and difficult to overthrow and reach the public from the outside. Not at all unlike our own media’s love affair with Barack Obama, their absolute refusal to acknowledge Ron Paul and even more scarily similar to the near-brain-washing that went on in communist Soviet Union.
The resolution is met through downright unique science fiction, involving mobile infantry, shooting possessed charing zoo animals, alien abductions, colonists on other planets, hypnosis and controlled alien experiments.
Things to love about this novel include Heinlein’s use of sexy females and the powers of their charm, his rant of how government and media works, the frustrations of improper military action, far out but accurate comparisons to Soviet society, and the great closer in which the narrator says “Death and destruction!” to put an exclamation on the hunt to eradicate an enemy so humanity (specifically Americans) can live peacefully.
And in case you had any other questions on how much I love Robert Heinlein, the name of the blog is taken from the first thought in the first intermission of Time Enough for Love.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

All Hallow's Read

Crazy Awesome (yet still crazy) author Neil Gaiman's "All Hallow's Read" program wasn't beyond this fan. I celebrated the event by lending my copy of Mikhail Bulgakov's The Fatal Eggs (I've linked that title to the book that includes "Other Soviet Satire," because Mikhail Bulgakov's short story was more than just a commentary on Soviet society, it was a part of a larger literary revolution that didn't surface until most of its authors were dead) to a loved one, and in turn recieved the young adult Sci-Fi psychological Mindfuck of House of Stairs. Thanks, dear.

House of Stairs is a young-adult sci-fi about five 16-yr-old orphans who wake up after being bound and gagged in a large room, in which the cielings, walls and floor are unreachable. It is a bigger room than the children can comprehend, and its perimeter is unreachable, at least with their short attention spans it is, so they climb, drop, cross and clamber the stairs-with-no-balustrades and small landings until they meet up with others. And, eventually, a device.

The device delivers food, and is pretty much the source of the rest of the plot as they are put through Pavlovian Conditioning. The problem is, you can sort of see where they're going with this plot from miles away. Yeah, it's wrong to condition kids into committing acts of cruelty, we know that. So there isn't much to gain, but the punchline is fairly funny, because it answers your questions with a "yes, they will do that."

Other than that, I thought the book was mediocre. But then again, I'm not a young adult, and reading young-adult as a "semi-developed-but-self-proclaimed-adult" is not grounds for disqualifying it as a significant novel of its class, so I will go ahead and score this one as a a "good novel," all things considered.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

First Post(overdue and underthought)

So this is my other outlet. Reading. I'm a die hard fan of the sporting teams I follow (typically zero connexion geographically, but Go Teams That Have Captured My Love of their Honest, Hard-working-ethic, Purist-Approach and Excellent contributions to the overall well-being of the games you play!)